B6 Directorate of Multilateral Economic Relations and Commercial Policy is responsible for:
- Shaping Greek positions on EU common commercial policy, in cooperation with the Embassies, Consulars and ECA Offices in third countries and the competent ministries, bodies and services of the public and private sector.
- supporting the Greek representation in the competent bodies of the EU, the World Trade Organization and other international economic Organizations where Greece is represented, on issues of international trade in goods, services, investments, intellectual property protection including the protection of geographical indications, public procurement, trade facilitation and any other matter related to international trade,
- fulfilling the financial obligations of our participation at international economic Organizations
- monitoring regional economic cooperation institutions
B6 Directorate consists of four (4) Departments:
- Department I on Trade Policy in the Goods Sector
- Department II on Trade Policy in the Services and Investments Sector
- Department III on Trade Defense Measures
- Department IV of Multilateral Economic Organizations.
Department I is responsible for:
- shaping the country's positions on issues of EU Common Trade Policy, in the field of trade in goods,
- supporting the Minister’s participation in the Council for Foreign Affairs on trade issues (FAC-Trade), participating in Committees and Groups of the Council and the EU Commission, such as the Advisory Committee on Market Access, the Implementation Expert Group, the Trade Economic Network, the Committee for removal of barriers to trade, the Commodities Working Group, the Competition Working Group, the Customs Union Working Group, the Working Group for the Generalized System of Preferences, the TRIPS Expert Group and the Group of Experts on Trade and Sustainability Development.
- monitoring the negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Department II is responsible for:
- shaping the country's positions on issues of EU Common Trade Policy, in the field of trade in goods in the field of services and investment.
- participating and coordinating in Committees and Groups of the EU concerning the Common Trade Policy in the field of services and investment, such as the Trade Policy Committee S & I, and the relevant Committees and Working Groups of European Commission, the Committee on Investment Agreements and the Group of Experts on intra EU Investment Environment.
- participation in the World Trade Organization in the areas of international trade in services and investment.
- monitoring investment rules in WTO and other international or regional organizations, such as the European Energy Charter, and preparing the relevant Greek positions.
- monitoring the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the Committee on International Trade Law.
Department III is responsible for:
- representing the country in the Trade Working Group, the Trade Defense Instrument Committee, the Committee of Safeguard Measures, the Dual-Use Goods Committee and the Committee of Wassenaar Settlement.
participating in the Working Group of Integrated Management System of import licenses. - monitoring the implementation of relevant Regulation (EC) on trade in raw diamonds
- monitoring the implementation of relevant Regulation (EU) laying down supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas as well as participation in the Conflict Minerals Expert Group.
- Issuing licenses for certain dual use products
- Granting export permits for certain chemical products and toxic waste
Department IV is responsible for:
monitoring the International Trade Center (ITC), the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Bank, the International Maritime Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the World Customs Organization.