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The Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs are part of the Greek Diplomatic or Consular authorities. Their primary responsibility is the protection, support and promotion of greek economic and commercial interests abroad. Currently there are 60 Offices operating in countries with particular economic and commercial interest for Greece. 

Specifically, the responsibilities of the Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs are:

  • To monitor and analyse the overall economic situation and economic developments in the region of their responsibility
  • To evaluate the production, external trade and international transactions of the countries of their competence vis-a-vis Greece’s respective figures.
  • To continuously and systematically monitor the market  trends of the region of their responsibility, in order to exploit possible opportunities to promote Greek products. To this end, there is a constant effort to look into the prevailing market conditions in each country and the consumers’ habits and preferences.
  • To provide every possible assistance for the attraction of foreign investments to Greece.
  • To promote Greek investments abroad. 
  • To contribute to the creation of support groups for the Greek economic interests, as well as to  promote the cooperation between Greek and foreign businesses, with a focus on issues of forming and operating joint ventures abroad, technology transfer, subcontracting, co-production, countervailing trade and tourism.
  • To report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece the economic, commercial or financial measures adopted or even contemplated by the countries of their responsibility, with regard to foreign trade and economic and trade agreements
  • To ensure the development of trade with the aim of a continuous and progressive increase of exports of Greek products.
  • To take all necessary preparatory actions for the conclusion of economic cooperation agreements between Greece and the countries of responsibility, to submit relevant proposals and to participate and contribute in trade negotiations of the EU with third countries.
  • To organize conferences, symposia and workshops in order to present the possibilities and prospects of the Greek economy, the development of modern forms of investment, technology transfer and business cooperation, as well as the development of business relations with the countries of their responsibility.
  • To monitor, record, and inform those concerned about European and international programs of technical and economic cooperation, humanitarian and development assistance, as well as about public procurement and public works tenders.
  • To provide Greek companies every useful information on import and export companies of the country/countries of their responsibility, as well as every possible assistance for the positioning of the Greek products in the foreign markets. 
  • To mediate between the parties for the resolution of trade disputes (if necessary through the arbitration process of the ICC)
  • To contribute to the organization of trade and business delegations to and from the country of their responsibility.
  • To take all necessary actions for the protection of industrial and intellectual property of Greek companies and individuals and to facilitate the transactions and technology transfer contracts to the benefit of the Greek economy.
  • To study and make recommendations on the organization of exhibitions of Greek products, on the installation of permanent or temporary stands in the country of their competence, as well as on the most appropriate promotion and advertisement of Greek exportable products.
  • To study, monitor and make recommendations on issues of policy and cooperation in the sectors of agriculture, industry, communications, research and development, tourism, land, sea and air transportation, as well as in other relevant sectors.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs work closely with all relevant agencies responsible for the promotion of foreign trade, sectoral associations, and enterprises not only within Greece but also in the countries of their responsibility. Thus, they communicate emerging business opportunities to all sides and raise policymakers’ awareness vis-a-vis new developments.

The Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs operate within the framework of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.Thus, the offered services meet the highest quality standards. Furthermore, the Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs aim to provide any possible information online, by uploading all useful information related to their responsibilities on the web portal www.agora.mfa.gr


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