- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 21378
- Athens Stock Exchange, http://www.athexgroup.gr/web/guest/home/
- Athens Urban Transport Organisation S.A., http://www.oasa.gr/?lang=en
- Enterprise Greece, http://www.enterprisegreece.gov.gr/en
- European Commission Representation Office in Greece, http://ec.europa.eu/greece/index_el.htm
- European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/
- Greek National Tourism Organisation, http://www.gnto.gov.gr/en/
- Hellenic American Union, http://www.hau.gr/?i=hau.en.home
- Hellenic Post, http://www.elta.gr/en-us/home.aspx
- Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE), http://www.ose.gr/en/
- Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund, http://www.hradf.com/en/
- Hellenic Statistical Authority, http://www.statistics.gr/en/home/
- International Monetary Fund, http://www.imf.org/
- National Exhibition Agency - TIF HELEXPO SA, http://www.helexpo.gr/en/
- National Organisation for Health Services Provision, http://www.eopyy.gov.gr/
- OTE Group, https://www.cosmote.gr/otegroup/en_index.jsp
- Piraeus Port Authority S.A., http://www.olp.gr/en/
- Public Power Corporation S.A., https://www.dei.gr/en/
- Public Properties Company S.A., http://www.etasa.gr/
- The World Bank, http://www.worldbank.org/
- United Nations Regional Information Centre, https://www.unric.org/en/
- World Trade Organization, https://www.wto.org/
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 19817
- Athens International Airport, https://www.aia.gr/en/traveler/
- Athens Urban Transport Organisation S.A., http://www.oasa.gr/?lang=en
- Attiki Odos, http://en.aodos.gr/
- Attiko Metro S.A., http://www.ametro.gr/page/default.asp?id=4&la=2
- Egnatia Odos, http://www.egnatia.eu/page/default.asp?id=5&la=2
- Greek National Tourism Organisation, http://www.gnto.gov.gr/en
- Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention, http://www.keelpno.gr/en-us/home.aspx
- Public Properties Company S.A., http://www.etasa.gr/
- Rio–Antirio bridge, http://www.gefyra.gr/en/
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 24190
- American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, http://www.amcham.gr/
- Arab-Hellenic Chamber, http://www.arabhellenicchamber.gr/#&panel1-3
- Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, http://www.acci.gr/acci/Home/tabid/28/language/en-US/Default.aspx
- Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries, http://www.acsmi.gr/en/index.aspx
- Athens Chamber of Tradesman, http://www.eea.gr/gr/en/
- British-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, http://www.bhcc.gr/
- Camera di Commercio Italo Ellenica di Atene, http://www.italia.gr/Default.asp?lag=it
- Deutsch - Griechische Industrie und Handelskammer, http://griechenland.ahk.de/
- Deutsch-Hellenische Wirtschaftsvereinigung (DHW), http://en.dhwv.de/
- Economic Chamber of Greece, http://www.oe-e.gr/
- Finish-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, http://www.fhcc.gr/
- French - Hellenic Chamber of Commerce & Industry, http://www.ccifhel.org.gr/
- Greek-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, http://www.gbcci.gr/
- Greek-Israel Chamber, http://www.greekisrael-chamber.gr/
- Greek-Russian Chamber of Commerce, http://www.hrcc.gr/new/index.php/ru/
- Greek-Turkish Chamber of Commerce, http://www.etee.gr/
- Greek-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, http://www.hucc.gr/
- Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, http://www.nee.gr/default.asp?lang=2
- Hellenic-African Chamber of Commerce and Development, http://www.helafrican-chamber.gr/
- Hellenic-Canadian Board of Trade, http://www.hcbt.com/
- Hellenic-Chinese Chamber, http://www.chinese-chamber.gr/index.php/en/
- Hellenic-Czech Chamber, http://www.hellenic-czechchamber.gr/eng/
- Hellenic-Spanish Chamber of Commence, http://www.hellenicspanishchamber.gr/index.php/site/index/en
- Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, http://www.hellenic-swedishcc.gr/en/
- Hellenic-Zambian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, http://www.hzc.gr/Default
- Piraeus Chamber of Handicrafts, http://www.bep.gr/
- Technical Chamber of Greece, http://portal.tee.gr/portal/page/portal/INTER_RELATIONS/english/role
- Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, http://www.ebeth.gr/en/
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 19373
- Corallia Innovation Centre Network InnoHubs (InnoHubs), http://www.corallia.org/en/activity-fields/innohubs.html
- Epirus Science and Technology Park, http://www.step-epirus.gr/
- Patras Science Park, http://www.psp.org.gr/
- Science and Technology Park of Crete, http://www.stepc.gr/index.php
- Thessaloniki Technology Park, http://www.thestep.gr/root.en.aspx
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 21565
- BSRC “Alexander Fleming”, https://www.fleming.gr/
- Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, http://www.cres.gr/kape/index_eng.htm
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, http://www.certh.gr/root.en.aspx
- Clothing Textile & Fibre Technology Development Company, http://www.etakei.gr/main.php?general&lang_change=en
- Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, http://www.ceti.gr/
- Foundation for Research and Technology, https://www.forth.gr/
- Greek Research and Technology Network, https://grnet.gr/en/
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, http://www.hcmr.gr/en/
- Hellenic Pasteur Institute, http://www.pasteur.gr/?lang=en
- Hellenic Technology Cluster Initiatitive, http://www.corallia.org/en/
- Industrial Systems Institute, http://www.isi.gr/en/
- Institute for Language and Speech Processing, http://www.ilsp.gr/en/
- Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, http://www.igme.gr/index.php/en/
- National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", http://www.demokritos.gr/default.aspx?lang=en
- National Center of Social Research, http://www.ekke.gr/index.php?lng=en
- National Documentation Centre, http://archive.ekt.gr/en/
- National Hellenic Research Foundation, http://www.eie.gr/index-en.html
- National Observatory of Athens, http://www.noa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162&Itemid=488&lang=en
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 21466
- Aluminium Association of Greece, http://www.aluminium.org.gr/index.php?language=en&sess=lk4nc9jqa772j9haqm1hp25905
- Association of Greek Contracting Companies, http://www.sate.gr/html/whoweare_uk.aspx?&menuID=1&pID=0
- Federation of Greek Mariculture, http://www.fgm.com.gr/english/index.php
- Federation Of Hellenic ICT Enterprises, http://www.sev.org.gr/o-sev/sev-hellenic-federation-of-enterprises/
- Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, http://www.sbbe.gr/eng/main.php
- Greek Association of Industries and Processors of Olive Oil, http://www.sevitel.gr/
- Greek International Business Association, http://www.seve.gr/en/
- Greek Tourism Confederation, http://sete.gr/en/
- Hellenic Association of Communications Agencies, http://www.edee.gr/
- Hellenic Association of Consulting Firms, http://segm.gr/en/
- Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies, http://www.eaee.gr/cms/en
- Hellenic Association of Management Consulting Firms, http://www.sesma.gr/en/
- Hellenic Bank Association, http://www.hba.gr/english/index_en.asp
- Hellenic Property Association, http://www.pomida.gr/english/
- Panhellenic Exporters Association, http://www.pse.gr/en/
- Technical Chamber of Greece, http://portal.tee.gr/portal/page/portal/TEE/TCG
- Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
- Category: Useful Information - Links
- Hits: 19082
- Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, http://www.primeminister.gov.gr/english/
- Hellenic Parliament, http://www.parliament.gr/en/
- Ministry of interior and administrative reconstruction, http://www.ypes.gr/en/
- Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, http://www.mindev.gov.gr/
- National Contact Point (NCP) OECD Guidelines, https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/ncps/greece.htm
- Ministry of National Defense, http://www.mod.mil.gr/mod/en/
- Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, http://www.minedu.gov.gr/
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, http://www.mfa.gr/en/
- Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, http://www.ministryofjustice.gr/
- Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity, http://www.ypakp.gr/
- Ministry of Health, http://www.moh.gov.gr/
- Ministry of Culture and Sports, http://www.culture.gr/culture/eindex.jsp
- Ministry of Finance, http://www.minfin.gr/?q=en
- Ministry of Environment & Energy, http://www.ypeka.gr/Default.aspx?tabid=37&locale=en-US
- Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, http://www.yme.gr/index.php?tid=531
- Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, https://www.yen.gr/
- Ministry of Rural Development and Food, http://www.minagric.gr/index.php/en/
- General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), http://www.gsrt.gr/central.aspx?sId=119I428I1089I323I488743
- General Secretariat of Social Security, http://ggka.citron.gr/frontoffice/portal.asp?cpage=NODE&cnode=1&clang=1
- Hellenic Statistical Authority, http://www.statistics.gr/en/home/
- General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad, http://www.ggae.gr/frontoffice/portal.asp?cpage=NODE&cnode=1&clang=1
- Secretariat General of Information and Communication, http://www.minpress.gr/minpress/en/index.htm