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Written by: Β2 Διεύθυνση
Category: Useful Information - Links
Hits: 21875
- BSRC “Alexander Fleming”, https://www.fleming.gr/
- Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, http://www.cres.gr/kape/index_eng.htm
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, http://www.certh.gr/root.en.aspx
- Clothing Textile & Fibre Technology Development Company, http://www.etakei.gr/main.php?general&lang_change=en
- Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, http://www.ceti.gr/
- Foundation for Research and Technology, https://www.forth.gr/
- Greek Research and Technology Network, https://grnet.gr/en/
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, http://www.hcmr.gr/en/
- Hellenic Pasteur Institute, http://www.pasteur.gr/?lang=en
- Hellenic Technology Cluster Initiatitive, http://www.corallia.org/en/
- Industrial Systems Institute, http://www.isi.gr/en/
- Institute for Language and Speech Processing, http://www.ilsp.gr/en/
- Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, http://www.igme.gr/index.php/en/
- National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", http://www.demokritos.gr/default.aspx?lang=en
- National Center of Social Research, http://www.ekke.gr/index.php?lng=en
- National Documentation Centre, http://archive.ekt.gr/en/
- National Hellenic Research Foundation, http://www.eie.gr/index-en.html
- National Observatory of Athens, http://www.noa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162&Itemid=488&lang=en